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How to Properly Clean Contact Lenses

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A close-up of a contact lens being cleaned using a cleaning solution.

Proper contact lens care is a critical aspect of maintaining eye health and ensuring the longevity of your lenses. 

Properly cleaning and handling contact lenses helps prevent infections and supports clear and comfortable vision.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Contact Lenses

Before cleaning your lenses, gather your supplies so they’re close to hand. You’ll need a quality contact lens solution, a clean lens case, and any additional items your eye doctor recommends, like enzyme drops for protein removal.

Follow these steps to clean and store soft contact lenses:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with mild soap and water.
  2. Remove one lens and place it on your palm.
  3. Apply a few drops of saline solution and gently rub the lens with your fingertip.
  4. Rinse the lens with saline solution to remove debris.
  5. Repeat steps 2–4 for the other lens.
  6. Place each lens in its designated case and fill it with fresh solution.
  7. Let the lenses soak for at least 4 hours or overnight.
  8. Before wearing, rinse each lens with saline solution again.
  9. Insert the lenses into your eyes and enjoy clear vision.
  10. Discard the old solution, clean the lens case with hot water, and let it air dry.

Follow these steps to clean and store rigid gas-permeable lenses:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with mild soap and water.
  2. Remove one lens and place it on your palm.
  3. Apply a few drops of enzyme cleaner to the surface of the lens.
  4. Gently rub the lens with your fingertip for about 20 seconds, ensuring all areas are covered.
  5. Rinse the lens with saline solution to remove any remaining debris or cleaner.
  6. Repeat steps 2–5 for the other lens.
  7. Place each lens in its designated case and fill it with fresh solution.
  8. Let the lenses soak for at least 4 hours or overnight.
  9. Before wearing, rinse each lens with saline solution again to ensure no residue remains.
  10. Insert the lenses into your eyes following the recommended method by your eye care professional.
  11. Discard the old solution, clean the lens case with hot water, and let it air dry.
A person washing their hands using soap and water.

Dos & Don’ts of Contact Lens Cleaning:

Contact lenses are in constant contact with our eyes and can easily accumulate dirt, debris, and bacteria, leading to infections. Follow these dos and don’ts of contact lens cleaning to prioritize the safety and comfort of your eyes.

  • Do wash your hands thoroughly before handling your contact lenses.
  • Do use a recommended multipurpose solution to clean, rinse, disinfect, and store your lenses.
  • Do replace your lens case every 3 months, as they can also accumulate bacteria over time.
  • Do stop wearing contacts if you experience discomfort or irritation, and talk to your eye doctor immediately.
  • Do remove your contacts before swimming or entering a hot tub, as water can introduce bacteria.
  • Don’t use saliva or water to clean your contacts; they can introduce harmful microorganisms to your eyes.
  • Don’t over-wear your contact lenses; follow the recommended wearing schedule from your eye care professional.
  • Don’t ignore any changes in the appearance or comfort of your contacts, as these could be signs of an infection or damage to the lenses. 

It’s essential to visit your eye doctor for check-ups regularly and update your contact lens prescription. Wearing outdated or ill-fitting contacts can also lead to eye complications.

Frequently Asked Questions About Contact Lens Cleaning & Care

Q: How often should I clean my contact lenses?

A: Clean your contact lenses every day to remove debris or buildup that can accumulate on the surface of the lens.

Q: What solution should I use to clean my contacts?

A: Your eye doctor can recommend a specific solution for cleaning your contact lenses based on your needs and lens type. Follow their instructions carefully, and never use tap water or saliva to clean your lenses.

Q: Can I wear contacts while sleeping?

A: Unless specifically approved by your eye care professional, wearing your contacts while sleeping is not recommended. Extended wear can increase the risk of infection and other complications. Be sure to follow the wear schedule for your specific contact lenses.

Q: How often should I replace my contact lenses?

A: The replacement schedule for contact lenses varies depending on your lens type. Daily disposable lenses should be discarded after each use, while other lenses may need to be replaced weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. 

When to Call a Professional

Proper lens cleaning is not just about keeping your lenses in good shape—it’s integral to protecting your vision and eye health. By following these instructions, you can enjoy the benefits of contact lenses without compromising safety or comfort.

Call us at San Clemente Optometry if you ever experience discomfort or suspect an issue with your contact lenses. We can help you with recommendations, cleaning and storing, and more. Book an appointment today!

Written by Total Vision

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