Total Vision Avenida del Mar
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Children’s Eye Exams in
San Clemente

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Start with a Pediatric Eye Exam for Healthy Eyes

San Clemente Optometry knows children deserve the same high standard of eye care as adults and seniors, even though they may face different risks. That’s why we offer comprehensive eye exams designed for children’s unique eye health and vision needs.

Our practice is a friendly, relaxing place where kids can feel at ease, and our eye doctors know how to turn eye exams into fun educational opportunities.

Keep your kids’ eyes protected early in life. Book a children’s eye exam at our optometry practice in San Clemente today.

Why Do My Children Need Eye Exams?

If you think only adults can have eye problems, think again. Many eye health and vision problems can also develop in children, including myopia and amblyopia.

Following the exam schedule provided by your child’s eye doctor helps us discover these risks before they cause significant difficulties. Our perspective is often necessary for finding vision problems. Children who have never experienced healthy vision often assume their experience is normal and may not know anything is wrong until they have an eye exam.

Investing in your child’s eye health and vision can also help them avoid problems in school. 80% of what children learn in school happens visually, so a child with uncorrected vision problems might struggle to see the board in class or participate in activities.

When Should My Children Have Eye Exams?

Our eye doctors will make sure your kids receive the right amount of attention. We suggest bringing your child for their first complete eye exam at 1 year old, with additional exams:

  • Once before starting first grade, at age 5 or 6
  • Once a year afterward, until they turn 18

We base our recommendations on the American Optometric Association guidelines, but they might change if your child needs extra help. We’ll give you a personalized exam schedule for them as soon as we’ve had a chance to get to know their eyes.

What Happens During a Kid’s Eye Exam?

We’ll probably start by asking you and your child a few easy questions about how they use their eyes for everyday activities. Then we’ll look at their eyes for signs of health risks or vision problems and work with you to create plans for dealing with anything we find.

During the exam, we’ll probably pay close attention to your child’s visual acuity, binocular vision, and refraction, as well as the overall health of their eyes. Then we’ll update their prescription so they can get any corrective lenses they need.

When you come to the exam, make sure to bring any glasses or contact lenses your child is already using. Having these items on hand allows us to replace them much more quickly. At the end of the exam, we’ll give you some tips for maintaining your child’s new lenses and take time to answer any questions you still have.

Your Children Deserve First-Class Eye Care

Taking your children for regular eye exams at our practice can help them stay safer and grow up happier. Show your kids a clearer path to adulthood by scheduling their next visit to our practice.

Our Location in San Clemente

Where Can I Find You?

We’re located on Avenida Del Mar, just across the street from Bluestone Lane Coffee bar.

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