Total Vision Avenida del Mar
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Our Eye Clinic in San Clemente

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Putting the Focus on You & Your Family

At San Clemente Optometry, we value medical knowledge that helps us put your family first. That’s why we use industry-standard equipment and up-to-date research to serve you and the people you love.

Joining the Total Vision family gives us access to one of California’s largest optometry networks. With that comes the support, connections, and resources we use to provide excellent experiences for our patients.When you join us for an eye exam, you can trust us to use the best tools available.

When you come in to buy frames or contacts, you’ll be stunned by our brilliant deals on high-quality products. When you need eye care you can trust, just give us a call—we’re ready and waiting.

Meet Our Team

Optometrist in San Clemente, CA, Dr. David Nota.

Dr. David Nota


Our Location in San Clemente

Where Can I Find You?

We’re located on Avenida Del Mar, just across the street from Bluestone Lane Coffee bar.

Contact Information

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