Total Vision Avenida del Mar
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Adult & Senior Eye Exams in San Clemente

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Keeping Watch for Eye Diseases & Vision Problems

Routine eye exams play a key role in maintaining clear vision and healthy eyes. Examining your eyes tells your eye doctor if you have vision problems and allows them to uncover early warning signs of eye disease.

Many eye diseases have no obvious symptoms in their early stages, so detection is vital. At San Clemente Optometry, we’ll look for telltale signs of eye problems using current technology and work with you to treat or manage any issues we find. We’ll also update your prescription to help you get effective glasses or contact lenses if you need them.

When’s your next appointment? Book an eye exam in San Clemente today.

How Often Do I Need Eye Exams?

The American Optometric Association encourages adults to have their eyes examined:

  • Every two years past age 18
  • Once a year past age 65

However, your eyes are unique, and you might face issues that require extra attention. Once we’ve seen you a couple of times, our eye doctors can give you a personalized exam schedule to help you know when to come in for the best results.

What to Expect from an Eye Exam

Most of our exams last from half an hour to an hour, depending on your needs. If we think you might need additional tests that could take more time, we’ll tell you before your appointment so you can plan accordingly.

Often, the first thing we’ll do in an eye exam is ask questions about your medical history. We might also ask about your family medical history and whether you’re taking any medications. You’ll also have a chance to ask us any questions you have before we update your prescription and start running tests.

Throughout the exam, we’ll collect information about:

We’ll also assess the general health of your eyes, including your:

If we find any signs of vision problems or eye diseases during the exam, we’ll let you know right away. We’ll then outline your options to help you understand how to proceed and make an informed decision about your care.

It’s Time to Book Your Next Visit

Regular eye exams with our experienced eye doctors can help you avoid many challenges associated with vision problems and eye disease. Contact San Clemente Optometry now and book your next appointment with a member of our team.

Our Location in San Clemente

Where Can I Find You?

We’re located on Avenida Del Mar, just across the street from Bluestone Lane Coffee bar.

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