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Haven’t Had an Eye Exam in Years? What to Expect at Your Next Visit to the Eye Doctor

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A male senior is sitting in front of a refracting machine and his chin is resting on chin rest while the optometrist is checking for refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism.

So it’s been a few years since your last eye exam, and you’re probably wondering if you need one, and if so, what to expect. Your eye health is ever-changing and developing. Eye exams are a powerful tool that allows your optometrist to get a closer look at your eyes and vision. Regular eye exams play an important role in maintaining healthy, long-term vision. 

Your next visit to the optometrist will involve a series of tests to get your optometrist caught up on all the details of your eyes and vision. In general, you can expect a casual conversation with your optometrist about your history and lifestyle, a series of short, noninvasive diagnostic tests to review your eye health, and an easy refractive assessment to check your eyesight. 

Let’s explore in more detail what you can expect during your next visit to the eye doctor and the importance of consistent eye exams.

What to Expect During Your Next Eye Exam

If you haven’t had an eye exam in years, it’s recommended that you schedule an appointment as soon as possible. 

Most eye exams last about 30 minutes to an hour, depending on your visual needs. Your optometrist will get to know your family health history, learn about different health issues you may have, and ask about any medications you’re taking. You’ll also be able to ask any questions or voice your concerns before testing begins. 

During the exam, your optometrist will test your visual skills like:

  • Visual acuity: how sharp and clear your vision is
  • Peripheral vision: how well you can see on the edges of your vision
  • Pupillary response: how your pupils respond to light and other changes
  • Eye movement

Your optometrist will also check for refractive errors like myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. 

Following testing, your optometrist will update your prescription based on your test results. Your comprehensive eye exam also serves as an opportunity to assess the general health of your eyes. 

The fun part is choosing your new frames following your exam. Your optometrist offers a wide variety of the world’s leading brands to help you find the frames that match your personal aesthetic. 

Your Eye Exam Schedule

Maintaining a consistent eye exam schedule is crucial. It’s recommended that adults have their eyes examined: 

  • Every 12 to 18 months past the age of 18
  • Annually past the age of 65

However, this schedule can change if you face eye issues that require more attention. Suppose you’re at a higher risk of developing an eye disease. In that case, more frequent eye exams can be beneficial for early detection and prevention. 

Once your optometrist gets more familiar with your eyes, they can set up a personalized exam schedule to best meet your visual needs.

How Consistent Eye Exams Help You

Your eyes are unique, and they deserve dedicated care and attention. An eye exam is about more than just updating your prescription. Your optometrist also checks for early signs of developing eye disease during every comprehensive exam. 

A girl in the mirror is fitting her new eyeglasses after her comprehensive eye exam.

Many eye diseases have little to no obvious symptoms in their early stages, and eye exams are often the only way to protect your vision. Frequent eye exams can make all the difference in the early detection and treatment of eye disease. 

Some common types of eye disease can include: 

  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Age-related macular degeneration
  • Diabetic eye disease

Detecting the early signs of eye disease can help your optometrist get started on your personalized treatment plan to help preserve your long-term vision. 

Consistency Is Key

Your eyes are a window into your overall health, and maintaining your eye health is of the utmost importance. It all starts with consistency. Maintaining a regular eye exam schedule with your optometrist can help protect your long-term vision from potential eye disease and other vision problems. Book an appointment at San Clemente Optometry today to put your eye health first and get back to a consistent eye exam schedule

Written by Total Vision

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